Featured Listing 2

This is an example of an AgentPress Listings property listing. You can add a property description, property details, a WordPress photo gallery, a map, and even a video, using the form fields at the bottom of the editor page. You can create as many listings as you like, and you can manage all of your content inside of WordPress. You can add your contact form at the bottom of the listing, so your clients can contact you. This is an example of a property listing. You could edit this to put information about your properties so readers know about them.

Property Details

Complete the property details form in the editor to add the details here. The shortcode will look like this.  [ property_details ]

The details will look like this:

MLS #:
Square Feet:

Additional Features:

Property Gallery

Add a WordPress gallery to show off your listing.

Property Map

Add your Google map embed code to the form in the editor to add the map here. The shortcode will look like this.

[ property_map ]

Contact Me About This Property

Add your Contact form here.

Coming Soon

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